See how QuicksortRx is changing the pharmacy procurement game for good.

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Meet QuicksortRx
Wave Divider

With real-time analysis and top tier support, you’ll get an unbiased, unified view of your pharmacy procurement in real time.

 Automated opportunity alerts

 Real-time purchase oversight

 Instant reporting and analysis

 Detailed purchase history and statistics

  Price and contract change discovery

Your health system’s highest impact issues are always handled so you never miss the next big thing in the market.

Get more bang for your buck

NDC Optimization

QuicksortRx analyzes everything you purchase to find operationally equivalent NDCs to decrease costs. When prices change or new generic alternatives launch, Product Change Alerts will show you the best course of action.

NDC Optimization
Be the smartest shopper

Contract Changes and Analysis

QuicksortRx instantly identifies contract changes, account discrepancies, and pricing errors so you can be certain you’re not overpaying for medications. Find overcharged invoices and request credit/rebills instantly, or evaluate manufacturer-level opportunities to create your own local agreements and pricing for products you use every day.

Keep your buyers on the same page

Purchase Consolidation

Get a complete view across purchasing for all accounts, or divide by regions, facilities, ownership, or 340b status with a single click. Identify errant purchases with QuicksortRx Overspend Alerts, and track performance over time to ensure consistency and minimize variation across your system.

Purchase Consolidation
The simplest way to see your spend

Spend Analysis

QuicksortRx Spend Analytics presents a full picture of your pharmacy spend in seconds. Understand where your budget is shifting and what you can do about it BEFORE you end up with tough questions from finance. Rolling and fixed timeline reports open in an instant and update in real time.

Own Your Pharmacy Spend

Real-time insight, automation, reporting, and more.

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See and share your progress with ease

Key Performance Indicators

Track all of your goals from contract compliance and 340b efficiency to spend and savings with QuicksortRx’s leadership-oriented KPI dashboard. Drill down to see details, including line-item calculations to validate the savings you share.

Key Performance Indicators
Target high-cost accumulation issues in a snap

WAC Premium Identification

Tracking total WAC spend won’t show you the full picture. Identify key areas where accumulation breakdown is costing you the most, keeping your 340b team focused where they can make the biggest impact. Stay on top of WAC, 340b, and GPO shifts with QuicksortRx Catalog Ratio Alerts to intervene before they become a problem.

Find the highest value work for your technicians

Strategic Repackaging

With labor in constant demand, health systems can’t afford to repackage or compound inefficiently. By understanding your total costs, including labor and materials, you can find the best medications to prioritize compounding, unit-dose repackaging, and SKU reduction efforts.

Strategic Repackaging
Peer best practices to up your game

Actionable Benchmarking

Benchmarking performance between institutions has historically been plagued with overgeneralized targets and unrealistic goals. QuicksortRx takes a unique approach to deliver the steps to take when discrepancies are uncovered. 

Find the specific strategies you can use - applying missing contracts, fixing accumulation deficits, optimizing product selection, or improving purchase standardization - to get your system up to par. 

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Pharmacy purchasing can be complicated, but QuicksortRx makes it easy to find and execute on the things that matter most. With our software and expert support, you can help your team scale beyond spreadsheets and increase your impact.

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Before QuicksortRx

After QuicksortRx

Before QuicksortRx

Your team spends hours per week cobbling together spreadsheet data, leaving little time for action.

After QuicksortRx

QuicksortRx delivers prioritized, actionable information in real time, so you can focus on more execution.

Before QuicksortRx

Purchase issues are discovered (or presented by third parties) months after the fact, resulting in costly missed savings.

After QuicksortRx

Your team stays informed, and you’ll always be the first to know when any changes impact your spend.

Before QuicksortRx

It’s your busy team versus piles of vendor emails, phone calls, and market updates demanding ad hoc analysis.

After QuicksortRx

QuicksortRx presents all the details, industry best practices, and insights to analyze prices and contracts in a snap.

Before QuicksortRx

Decisions may be made without a complete picture, or pushed out for weeks while gathering consensus.

After QuicksortRx

With QuicksortRx, your team can make faster, more informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

Before QuicksortRx

Before QuicksortRx

Your team spends hours per week cobbling together spreadsheet data, leaving little time for action.

Before QuicksortRx

Purchase issues are discovered (or presented by third parties) months after the fact, resulting in costly missed savings.

Before QuicksortRx

It’s your busy team versus piles of vendor emails, phone calls, and market updates demanding ad hoc analysis.

Before QuicksortRx

Decisions may be made without a complete picture, or pushed out for weeks while gathering consensus.

After QuicksortRx

After QuicksortRx

QuicksortRx delivers prioritized, actionable information in real time, so you can focus on more execution.

After QuicksortRx

Your team stays informed, and you’ll always be the first to know when any changes impact your spend.

After QuicksortRx

QuicksortRx presents all the details, industry best practices, and insights to analyze prices and contracts in a snap.

After QuicksortRx

With QuicksortRx, your team can make faster, more informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

Get Started and Get Saving

We've got your back.

In It Together

In It Together

After setup, we meet with your team weekly to ensure you’re getting the most out of your supply chain.

Easy Implementation

Easy Implementation

We work directly with your wholesaler so your team won’t spend weeks on build, implementation, or integration.

No-touch IT

No-touch IT

QuicksortRx lives in the cloud and requires zero resources from your busy IT team.

Savings Guaranteed

Savings Guaranteed

We shoulder the risk with guaranteed outcomes for your hospital. Let us show you what we can do.

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