Blog Category // Pharmacy Cost Savings

Reducing Hospital Pharmacy Costs by Controlling Drug Spend

Hospital Pharmacy Management: Must-Knows for Controlling Drug Costs

As hospitals look to contain costs, it only stands to reason that they should focus on drug spend. Pharmacy is often a ...
Top Data to Track for Hospital Pharmacy Procurement Savings

Top Data to Track for Hospital Pharmacy Procurement Savings

Drug spend is one of the largest cost centers for a hospital, and it’s getting tougher to track and manage as the number of ...
Is Your Medication Supply Chain Management Approach Holding You Back?

Medication Supply Chain Management: 4 Shifts in Thinking to Help Your Bottom Line

Hospitals are under intense pressure to control their drug costs. Overall drug spend is forecasted to increase 3.78%for ...
Smarter WAC Targeting for Hospital Pharmacy Cost Savings

Smarter WAC Targeting for Hospital Pharmacy Cost Savings

Since formal guidance on the GPO prohibition rule took effect, pharmacy departments have dedicated increasing resources to ...
Reducing Hospital Pharmacy Costs by Controlling Drug Spend

Reducing Hospital Pharmacy Costs by Controlling Drug Spend

Drug spend is a significant cost driver for hospitals, making it a prime target for cost-cutting measures. Pharmacy is often ...